I like to move it... move it!

June 26.2020  2 minutes


You’d be clearly lying if you say you didn’t sing-along when you saw the title.



Once upon a time, a group of lemurs— big-eyed and bushy-tailed (quite literally)—raved to the tunes of their king, and the rest is history. When we witnessed this mad jungle party for the first time, we swore we would do something to honour the wise words of the king.


And voilà - Today, 15 years later, here we are. Now that we’ve piqued your interest, let’s cut to the chase.
Video Banners - because your pictures like to move it too!

Introducing a fun new way to add that spunky charm to your content Collections. From a snippet of your brand overview video to that of your kitten running across the yard, the options here are endless. So make them flip, turn, twist, and fly!

Getting started: 


Physically fit, physically fit, physically, physically…nice, sweet, fantastic, a bunch of videos so epic!  Here’s a library of over 50 videos our team curated, just for you to download and use.


Video Banner Collection



SalesLoft joins the party!


Julian: All we have to do is wait until they are in a deep sleep...
(10-second pause) HOW LONG IS THIS GONNA TAKE?


Not long, Julian, not long - You no longer have to wait until your customers doze off to decode their true personality, because Paperflite officially integrates with SalesLoft!


If your teams use SalesLoft, here’s to you - Now understand customer behaviors, design better journeys, and deliver meaningful engagement across the life-cycle.


Should you need any assistance with these features, feel free to get in touch with us. We’d love to show you around.
In honour of the brave and valiant King Julian.



So long, fellas.


Strangers, no more!

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